Sunday, 30 November 2014

Advent Calender

I'm not sure when my mum first made this advent calender, but it's been used every year since and I love that it's now a tradition for my boys! I'm doing it a bit differently this year, as well as the obligatory chocolate coin there will be some stickers from the Christmas story. I'm hoping they'll work together to complete the story and also learn the art of taking it in turns!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Sensory Bottles

I mad some sensory bottles last night for our baby area at work. It took a bit of experimenting to find out what worked best. I used the following things:
- plastic bottles with screw on lids
- hair gel
- glitter
- string of beads
- ribbons
- sequins
- shells
- small shark toys
- beads

Some of them worked better than others, my favourite by far is the one with te beads in one part water and one part hair gel. Love the way the beads swirl around!