Wednesday, 6 November 2013

This weeks crafting...

Trying to be more creative with my boys and their tiny attention spans!

We collected some twigs yesterday to make a pretty tree ( I had to eat a lot of chocolates to get enough wrappers!) This kept them entertained for at least 3 minutes.

Today I tried a bit of apple printing with some questionable apples. They managed a couple of prints each before they decided to paint their hands instead. I was planning on using the apples to make a number line, so might have to do some more to make enough. when I finish decorating the half pretty tree that is.

Interestingly my two year old manages to focus on these crafty activities for double the length of time of the five year old. A case in point about the negative effects of too much television on children's concentration.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Sensory Play

I keep reading about sensory bins/ boxes and thought I'd give one a go. Seeing as I'm 99% convinced Barnaby suffers from Sensory Processing Disorder, I wondered whether it could help.
I dyed some rice orange with food colour with the intention of giving it a Halloween theme, but after the boys got out of the bath they've sort of developed it into their own little world.
They've now been playing together beautifully for about 20 mins which is complete unheard of for my boys. They've added a bit of dried lavender which I'm hoping is making them nice an sleepy!

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Number 14

If you think you can't cancel your lovefilm account online... Think again

Its been over a year since my DVD player broke (read had 12 DVDs forced in it at once by a small person). And because of my inability to make awkward phone calls I've continued to pay £13 a month for nothing!
Until now!!

Sunday, 8 September 2013


Trying to keep the little folk entertained while we rest our dancing feet... Running out of ideas!

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Number 25

Here's my attempts so far. Amateur. In need of proper tools! :-)

Saturday, 24 August 2013

32 things to do before I'm 32

1) Read a book each month
2) Put away clothes mountain
3) Build boys a den in the garden
4) Go blackberry picking
5) Learn how to use sewing machine
6) Limit social media to 30 mins
7) drink more water
8) Display boys artwork
9) Sort out hats, scarves, gloves etc
10) Buy a bike and child seat
11) Teach Barnaby to swim
12) Teach Barnaby to ride with no stabilisers
13) Make curtains for landing
14) Cancel love film!
15) Cook a new meal each week
16) Write a worship song
17) Take my own lunch to work
18) Colour code the children
19) Book a night away with hubby
20) Potty train Sammy
21) lose 5 pounds
22) Plant daffodils in front garden
23) eat home grown tomatoes
24) Turn the tv off
25) Do nail art once a week
26) Give stuff away
27) Get a garden shed
28) Start making Christmas gifts
29) Volunteer at Barnabys school
30) Be more assertive
31) Sell the flat
32) ............

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Finger Puppets

I'm having a bit of a crafty session. Now the littlest has gone down for a short nap, I'm attempting to make him and his big bruv some fingers puppets.

The first one is some kind of bear/dog/monkey... We'll see for sure when he's finished!